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4 Hours in our Golf Simulator
Up to 6 golfers.
$80 deposit due now.
Balance due at appointment.
Advanced bookings required.
4 hour bookings recommended for:
• 4 golfers playing 18 holes.
• 5 golfers playing 18 holes at a faster pace.
• 6 golfers playing 9 holes at a very relaxed pace.
With its massive ball-capture range, the Foresight GC Hawk allows players of both right and left handedness to hit shots with absolute confidence that performance was precisely measured. The GC Hawk captures shots from every stick in the bag - from the driver to the putter - for a complete, true-to-life game experience.
• Play on over 20 courses or practice using range mode.
• See our main Indoor Golf Simulator page for course lineup and video flythroughs of each course.
Cancellation Policy:
24 hour notice required for cancellation or to re-schedule.
No Refunds without 24 hour notice.